

  • October. CAMRIT Amsterdam, led by Dr. Marco Götte in collaboration with LifeTec Group™ and Philips, successfully implemented an explanted beating pig heart model in the MRI. The model enabled cardiovascular MR imaging, cardiac ablation with high-fidelity, continuous ECG recording using PinMed's PELEX-MAX system to monitor epicardial electrograms.
  • February. The Cardiovascular Branch of the Division of Intramural Research of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, in collaboration with Division of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and Department of Radiology, Case Western Reserve University, employed PinMed's PELEX-MAX system to evaluate the potential for improved ECG interpretation in a low-field 0.55T MRI scanner, evaluating the clinically important PR interval, QRS interval, J point, and ST segment in pigs and healthy volunteers. (Kolandaivelu A et al. Evaluation of 12-lead electrocardiogram at 0.55T for improved cardiac monitoring in magnetic resonance imaging. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson, 26(1):101009.)
  • January. PinMed's PELEX-MAX system is successfully tested in human subjects during cardiovascular MRI in a 3T scanner at the University of Iowa, demonstrating reliable ECG signal quality during real-time scanning.
    • 2023

      • November. “Monitoring Central Arterial Pressure on the Chest Surface: Initial Results From Two Pilot Studies in Human Subjects” is presented by Dr. Michael Arustamyan, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, at the 2023 Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Assocation. The presentation reports the first results from two pilot studies tracking central arterial pressure in humans using PinMed's noninvasive, high-fidelity APEX system in the CVICU and ambulatory settings.
      • September. PinMed is awarded an NIH contract to develop a device to permit continuous self-monitoring of blood oxygen saturation during activities of daily living for individuals at risk for desaturation during physical exertion.
      • March. PinMed is awarded a U.S Army contract to develop an underwater monitoring system for swimmers and divers.
        • 2022


          • November. Pilot results of the first-in-human study of PinMed’s APEX system, “Loss of Vascular Smooth-Muscle Activity During Moderate Physical Activity as a Hallmark of Aging in Human Subjects,”  to be presented at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association.
          • August. PinMed Adds Two Patents to the Company’s Growing Portfolio. PinMed has added two U.S. patents to its portfolio of cardiovascular monitoring, defibrillation, and pacing solutions that ensure patient safety throughout the continuum of care.
          • August. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office sends a Notice of Allowance for a new patent, “Method and System for Monitoring Physiologial Signals/Health Data, Defibrillation, and Pacing in the Presence of Electromagnetic Interference.”
          • July. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office grants a new patent, “Evaluating Arterial Pressure, Vasomotor Activity and Their Response to Diagnostic Tests,” for PinMed’s transformative technology allowing cuff-free, nonobtrusive monitoring of arterial blood pressure. This is the third patent covering PinMed’s innovative Arterial Pressure Expert (APEX) system.
          • June. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office grants a new patent, “Accessory for External Cardiac Defibrillation, Pacing and Monitoring Physiological Signals/Health Data in the Presence of Electromagnetic Interference.” This innovative and cost-effective solution addresses an urgent clinical need and ensures patient safety in the MRI environment.
          • April. PinMed’s technology has been selected for presentation at the American College of Cardiology/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Innovation Showcase, April 1, 2021. “The ACC Innovation Leadership Council specifically selected PinMed as one of the top companies that they felt their membership would be excited hearing about” (NIH letter of invitation).
          • February. PinMed’s work on an MRI-compatible defibrillation and monitoring system will be featured in the oral presentation, “The Safety of External Cardiac Defibrillation inside the Magnet Bore: Patterns and Features of Mechanical Forces” at the Virtual Scientific Sessions of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance  February 18-20, 2021.


          • November. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office grants a new patent, “System and Method for Monitoring and Wirelessly Transmitting Health Data,” extending PinMed’s IP for physiological monitoring in the most challenging environments, including MRI.
          • February. PinMed will present “Recording 12-lead Electrocardiogram with Wireless Sensing of MRI Scanner-Induced Interference” at the 23rd Annual Scientific Sessions of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance,  Orlando, FL, Thursday, February 13, 2020.



          • June. The NIH awards PinMed the second phase of the contract, “In-Bore Defibrillation for Invasive MRI Cardiology Procedures.”
          • April. The results of Phase 1 research to develop an external defibrillator for MRI-guided cardiovascular procedures are presented at the MALT (Magnetic And eLectric Technologies) annual meeting in Uppsala, Sweden.


          • November. PinMed presents “External Defibrillation during MRI: Feasibility and Safety” at the American Heart Association Annual Meeting in Anaheim, CA.
          • October. A new patent issue notification is received from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for PinMed’s transformative technology allowing cuff-free, nonobtrusive monitoring of arterial blood pressure. This is the second patent covering PinMed’s innovative Arterial Pressure Expert (APEX) system.
          • August. PinMed receives a Notice of Award from the National Institutes of Health to continue development of APEX, its nonobtrusive, cuff-free arterial blood-pressure monitoring system. From the NIH summary statement:
          “The development of a more reliable and validated clinical grade system for monitoring nighttime arterial pressure could have a significant impact on a critically important clinical population of patients suffering from uncontrolled hypertension. The review panel was extremely enthusiastic for this highly innovative and well-designed proposal from an outstanding team of well-qualified investigators having the appropriate physiological, bioengineering, commercialization and clinical expertise.”
          • August. PELEX-MAX, PinMed’s MRI-compatible (conditional) 12-lead ECG, blood-pressure, and oximetry monitoring/recording system, is successfully tested during cardiovascular MRI on a 3T MRI scanner in large-animal experiments.
          • June. PinMed successfully extends the PELEX-MAX system to include both wireless and wired data transmission, providing delay-free monitoring and data recording for time-sensitive applications, including cardiovascular magnetic resonance and cardiac electrophysiology studies.
          • April. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office grants a new patent, “Wireless Health Monitoring in the Setting of X-ray, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Other Sources of Electromagnetic Interference,” extending PinMed’s IP for physiological monitoring in the most challenging environments, including MRI.
          • March. PinMed successfully tests the PELEX-MAX high-fidelity, wireless monitoring system at the NIH Clinical Center. The system is tested in both animal and human subjects during real-time cardiovascular MRI, in the X-ray setting, and during transport.

          Past Highlights


          • December. PinMed successfully completes testing of the APEX system prototype in human subjects. APEX is the first multisensor, high-fidelity monitoring system to provide continuous, cuff-free, noninvasive tracking of arterial pressure, as well as ECG, cardiac output, vascular resistance, and other important cardiovascular parameters
          • November. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issues a notice of allowance for a new patent, “Wireless Health Monitoring in the Setting of X-ray, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Other Sources of Electromagnetic Interference,” extending PinMed’s IP in the most challenging environments, including MRI.
          • October. The PELEX-MAX system is presented at AdvaMed 2016’s Innovation Showcase.
          • August. PinMed successfully completes field testing of its prototype MRI-compatible defibrillator system.
          • July. PinMed is selected from a field of nearly 500 applicants to receive the NIH/NHLBI Scholarship and to present its PELEX-MAX system for the Innovation Showcase at AdvaMed 2016, the leading MedTech conference in North America.
          • February. Testing of the APEX system in human subjects continues at PinMed’s facility.  APEX is the first multisensor, high-fidelity monitoring system to provide continuous, cuff-free, noninvasive tracking of arterial pressure, as well as ECG, cardiac output, vascular resistance, and other important cardiovascular parameters.
          • January. PinMed presents its PELEX-MAX system at the 19th Annual Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) Scientific Sessions in Los Angeles, CA. PELEX-MAX is the first wireless, MRI-compatible, high-fidelity monitoring/recording system that provides 12-lead ECG, four blood pressure channels, and pulse oximetry recording in the MRI environment. It is particularly useful for MR-guided interventional cardiology procedures.


          • November. PinMed is granted a new patent by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for a mobile system with network-distributed data processing for biomedical applications.
          • August.  The NIH awards PinMed a contract to develop the first external defibrillator for MRI-guided cardiovascular procedures.
          • February. PinMed presents its prototype PELEX-MAX system at the Interventional CMR Workshop at the 2015 Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance/EuroCMR Joint Scientific Sessions. Read more here.
          • January. PinMed successfully completes animal testing of PELEX-MAX, providing high-fidelity, 12-lead ECG and blood pressure data during interventional cardiovascular MR procedures.


          • May. PinMed is selected among leading NHLBI-funded companies to present its Longitudinal Monitoring Platform at the NHLBI Regional Innovation Conference in Boston.
          • April.  The U.S. Patent and Trademark Ofifce grants PinMed a new patent entitled “Method and System Useful in Analyzing and Monitoring Blood Pressure, Cardiac Output and/or Vascular Activity,” which further establishes PinMed’s intellectual property portfolio on the network-distributed medical monitoring and Internet-cloud based analytics. The portfolio now includes 7 granted U.S. patents and additional pending patent applications.
          • April. PinMed is awarded the second phase of an NIH contract to develop a wireless, multisensor MRI-compatible monitoring system.

          See more past highlights

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